Past Conferences
Our wonderful host in Tbilisi, Inga Karaia, the President of ICOM Georgia, wishes to share with all of us the photos and videos from the very successful ICLM Conference in Tbilisi. Most of the visual materials are posted at FB page of ICOM Georgia and even those who have no account at FB can still view them.
Annual Conference of ICLM | 2015
The annual Conference of ICLM has taken place on September 25-29th, 2015 at the National Literary Museum of Georgia in Tbilisi (Republic of Georgia)
* A communication from our President about Tbilisi
ICLM Conference 2015 in Tbilisi

The next annual Conference of ICLM will take place on September 25-29th, 2015 at the National Literary Museum of Georgia in Tbilisi (Republic of Georgia).
Communication of our ICLM President
Annual Conference 2014 in Irkutsk
Our Annual ICLM Conference will take place at the Decembrists Museum (The Memorial Houses of the Decembrists Princes Volkonsky and Troubetskoy) in Irkutsk on July 23-31, 2014.
Our 2014 theme will be Writer, Composer, Museum and the Environment.
ICOM General Conference / ICLM Annual Conference – 2013 in Rio
We planned a joint workshop with CAMOC in Rio.
We had a special workshop Contemporary Writer and Literary Museum
ICLM Annual Conference – 2012 in Norway
Literary and composer museums and the spirit of the place
June 17th-20th
ICLM Annual Conference – 2009 in Budapest
Writers’ and Composers’ Travels
Travelling Writers and Composers
September 21st-23rd
ICLM Annual Conference – 2008 in Italy
Literary and Composer Museums and Research
September 15th – 17th